Broken World RP Wiki
Headglobe This page contains information about a previous world of BWRP! The information displayed on this page is historical and not relevant to current lore and play. For updated information, check our current website or wiki page!
"Fleeing the destruction of their former town, Dwarves and Dark Elves united over their worship of the Blood God Armok and forged themselves a new home out of the fires of battle."
~on Fireforge.


After Rogueport was abandoned, the Dwarves and Dark Elves decided to flee together, bonded by their worship of Armok. According to murals within Fireforge depicting it's creation, a number of ruins were found that were then built over by the Dwarves. Shortly after this, a large lava pillar miraculously appeared and descended down from the ceiling. The inhabitants took this as a sign from Armok that their work was good and so founded Fireforge.


The Fortress of Fireforge could be found a short distance north-west of the city of Rogueport.


Fireforge was a relatively small town, populated by towers and small buildings that housed a few of the researchers who lived there. The town itself was surrounded by high walls and a lava moat.

Underneath the ground, the Dwarves had created a Fortress, highly trapped and dangerous to invaders, that they had adorned with carvings and decorated with lava falls.


Fireforge was led by a single ruler, originally appointed by a High Priest. Only one ruler is known of at this time.

Known Leaders Of Fireforge

  • Hignar - first Lord and Master of Fireforge.


Nothing is known of the history of Fireforge.

Notable Groups

  • The Flame Knights - a small military group based within Fireforge.

Notable Landmarks

  • The Blessed Forge - home to a large anvil, presumably used for rituals as well as actual metalwork.
  • The Pillar Of Fire - a lava pillar that stretched from the top of Fireforge to the bottom. It is seen as a sign that Armok approves of the fortress.
  • The Shrine To Armok - the largest shrine to Armok within the fortress.

Notable Occupants

  • Erud - High Priest.
  • Zadkier.
  • Lolindir.
  • Eislei.
  • Mistem.

Gallery Of Fireforge
