Broken World RP Wiki
Headglobe This page contains information about a previous world of BWRP! The information displayed on this page is historical and not relevant to current lore and play. For updated information, check our current website or wiki page!

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POW Camp Escape state currently: Maddax has slain a huge troll-gob, a lean fast whip wielding goblin, and a goblin sargeant, Currently has serious wounds to upper right arm and lower left leg. left leg is splinted.

The line of succession: The Maddax clan is one of several noble clans, and with captain Grugni and most of the others having died in the war or elsewhere, Thror is now, assuming he escapes, the head of the clan. In addition, the war has ravaged the official ROYAL line, with the obsidian king’s son, his wife, and the king’s brother dead, opening a possibility for a dwarven game of thrones, and a vague, longshot possibility of Thror being declared the heir to the throne.
